What do buses and ads have in common? Well, they both have something to do with engines. Buses have literal engines, and advertising is the engine of commerce. It is pretty common in most countries today to use every millimeter of the bus’s surface for advertising. Well, advertising can be different, and there is a difference between brutally shoving goods and services into people’s faces and doing something actually creative.
We want to show you some examples of how marketers can actually think outside the box, or outside the bus (sorry, we couldn’t help it), and use the surface of a bus creatively. Here you will see some examples of brand ads, as well as social advertising. And, by the way, there is one trolleybus hidden among the buses in this compilation.
1. A giant constrictor snake squeezing Copenhagen citybus as part of a campaign for the city zoo
2. Ambient advertisement created by Lowe, Netherlands for Weight Watchers
3. Stranger Things bus ad
4. Airport bus
5. King Kong movie ad
6. Campaign that puts attention to drunk driving in a different way
7. Ready to quit?
8. Real Street Skate Festival Ad, Munich, Germany
9. Americans abroad, vote!
10. Flexible Bus
11. Bus Back Crash
12. Giant Lobster Bus
13. Ambient advertisement created for Domestos, Iran
14. Don’t turn the bus into a garbage truck
15. Advertisement created for Tabasco, Belgium
16. ASICS. Sponsor of the ING New York City Marathon
17. Toothbrush advertising
Extra Bonus: An ad on a passing bus made me jump in my seat
17 Times Bus Ads Turned Buses Into Awesomeness On Wheels