Usually, it’s the owners who get to pick their pets, but in the case of Chippy the Squirrel, everything happened the other way around! When Igor Grishin from Karelia, Russia, met a baby squirrel in the forest, the animal grabbed his leg and didn’t want to let go. That was on September 18, 2018, and Igor and Chippy have been inseparable ever since. The squirrel lives in Igor’s apartment, where he has his own little house. And plenty of treats!

It’s Chippy the Squirrel who picked his owner

Igor Grishin says that Chippy found him in the forest on September 18, 2018

The baby squirrel grabbed his leg tight and didn’t want to let go

Igor decided to bring the baby animal home

As Igor told, a daily Russian newspaper, dogs were barking nearby and they could have easily swallowed the baby squirrel, so the guy didn’t have a lot of options. He took the squirrel with him.

The baby squirrel was named after a character from Chip’n Dale’s Rescue Rangers

A veterinarian found that Chippy was in good health

So the squirrel moved into a little corner in Igor’s house that used to be a shelf

Igor learned how to take care of squirrels from the Internet and with the help of the vet

Chippy is very tidy, and knows how to use his toilet. Of course, accidents happen.

Chippy’s diet consists of nuts, veggies, and fruits, as well as grains

Chippy became friends with Igor’s cat, and their pictures together are weapons of mass adorableness

But Chippy himself is quite the model!

It looks like Igor is very lucky to have a pet like Chippy!

And Chippy is very lucky to have an owner like Igor! (After all, he did choose the owner himself!)