Some people lie about their age and fear of growing old like the plague. But for you we selected the photographs which will prove that getting older is not scary and, at times, even nice. The heroes of today’s compilation were insecure teenagers with low self-esteem, but time and work have done their job. Ex-ugly-ducklings not only turned into beauties, but something inside them also changed. Take a look!
1. “When I loved pizza & was insecure (17)” Versus “Still love pizza & learned to love myself (25)”
2. 27 to 37
3. 15 to 25
4. 14 to 22 grew into my face and stopped hating every aspect of my existence
5. 10 years can change a lot
6. 14 vs 36
7. 15 to 22
8. 13 vs 21
9. 2015-2017-2021
10. 14 to 20
11. Then (12): Hasn’t kissed a boy, but pretty good at violin. Now (24): Still hasn’t kissed a boy, bad at violin, but finally has some direction in life!
12. 15 vs 21
13. To be fair, I had a really bad haircut phase… (13 vs 23)
14. Freed my eyes and brows, lost the belly, got a tan (14 vs 20)
15. Weird how a year and a few months can change your life
16. Used to be obese, depressed, and bullied. Thankful of where I am now. 15. 20. 26
17. 8 to 22
One bad haircut had turned me into young Anakin Skywalker.