Stock photos are the professional images made for specific uses. Internet users often use them for different purposes and various activities. But sometimes we can see such pictures that make it impossible to imagine what searches can match the photos!
Today we selected 16 stock photos for you that impress with their absurdity and are good only for memes. But that is the great pleasure of them!
Office routine
Bad hair day
Women touches girls shoulder
Sweet Dreams
Some of the stock photos are so weird, that we can only guess what inspired their authors.
Ah, a fire!
Kid putting ham in the dvd player
What a smart idea to bring a golf club to a bowling alley
I got watermelon instead
You need to get creative to find a use for such images. And this fact makes them even funnier!
This makes me feel uncomfortable
Oh, you caught me keeping a bowl of crackers in the fridge
Remote job
So many questions, so little answers…
It’s like I’m really there!
When you want to show that business is going well at your company that makes Halloween supplies
Funny clown in Christmas celebration concept
Shark Attack
Which of the photos has surprised you most?