What is there left to do, when all the major discoveries have been made? Still want to make a dent in the world but a novel, groundbreaking idea isn’t coming to mind? Think about improving already existing things!

The mundane objects of everyday life often come with little flaws; so most people have to settle for a mediocre user experience. But not these creative minds, who like to tinker with ATMs, traffic lights, and even ordinary buckets, turning them into marvels of design!

1. New credit card 3 digit (CVV) changes every 4 hours


2. This hourglass shaped traffic light


3. This ATM has knobs on the card reader so that a skimmer can not be attached


4. This museum in Berlin has ‘touchable’ versions of their paintings for blind people


5. A stand for bikers to hold on to while waiting for the traffic lights in Sweden


6. Chain plugs on a playground so fingers don’t get pinched


7. In Singapore, elderly pedestrians can tap their Identity Card to have more time at the pedestrian crossing


8. This projector that comes down from a ceiling tile


9. My bucket has a flat side to put against walls


10. This middle school has a skateboard locker


11. This keypad randomizes the numbers every time so someone doesn’t figure out the password from your hand movements


12. This airplane sleeping mask has different sides depending on if you want the flight attendant to wake you up for meals or not


13. This classroom has a mirror to see what teacher cooking


14. My milk carton has a level indicator


15. You can’t read the cash machine screen if you’re not directly in front of it


16. Package with heart-shaped bubble wrap
